Monday, February 3, 2020


I started this blog as a way of getting rid of pent up frustrations. I like to write, so why not? Sounds simple, but it's really not. If it was just writing... my blog would be one incredibly long run-on sentence. I could sit at my desk and move between topics without so much as adding a single comma, period or semi-colon to anything I write for hours on end. The problem is...there's a little more to it than that. Many things must be taken into consideration when contemplating whether to blog or not to blog.

Here are a few main principles to consider:

1. You need to come up with ideas on what to write about… pick a subject you know and enjoy;

2. You must pay attention to spelling, grammar and the formatting of your blog so that its readable…Remember...Spellcheck is your friend!

3. You must find a name for your blog that represents what you'll be writing about;

4. You should come up with a look for your blog that gives it a professional appearance, (or at the very least doesn't look idiotic or…boring), most importantly…

5. Try not to get sued for plagiarism or copyright infringement!

Once you're feeling really good about the five main principles outlined should ask yourself…who’s going to read it? After all, what’s the point in writing a blog if no one is going to read it, but you…right?¹

If you're still determined to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), here's something else to think about. Do you have a nice quiet place to sit-down and actually write your blog? If you do...what are you waiting for? Hurry up and get started! If you are surrounded by many distractions, you might first want to eliminate some of them. Writer’s block is a real thing…you don’t need external noise (and by noise, I mean blaring televisions or stereos, longwinded phone conversations, noisy neighbors, etc.) affecting your ability to concentrate. 

If you can’t relate to anything else, I lay out in this post then just remember the following two points:

1. Have fun writing your blog and;

2. Know when to stop writing it. If it’s no longer something you look forward to doing or enjoy writing about…it may be time to back away from the keyboard or decide on a different topic. The choice is yours to make.

¹ Some bloggers use their blogs as a sort of online diary and choose to keep it private or limit their audience to just a few people. There’s nothing wrong with that. Do what makes you feel comfortable.

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