Monday, January 13, 2020


I don't know about you, but I do not dress up on the weekends to run errands. On this particular morning, I went to the hardware store to pick up a couple of those 3M removable hangers. I was wearing my standard weekend uniform of jeans, a sweatshirt, gym shoes and no makeup when I bumped into this woman that I had worked with a couple of years ago. She always seemed to be a pleasant individual and so when she approached me in the store, I greeted her with a friendly smile and said 'hello.' Her response to me was slightly less social than I remember her being capable of when she said 'hi, you know you should never leave the house without makeup' and proceeded to walk away. It was almost as though her sole purpose in talking to me was to insult me. I was so taken aback by what I thought was a truly rude, insulting and unsolicited comment from someone who by the way...didn't exactly look like a page out of Vogue magazine either (and for the record... never did).

I admit that my tongue has always been a little sharp, but I generally, do not go out of my way to hurt a person's feelings, because I don't like it when it happens to me. It serves no purpose. That doesn't mean that I don't mutter under my breath or make snarky comments while being gossipy with a friend. After all, I'm not a saint, but I try to keep it to a minimum and at the very least, not do it in public. So, shortly after the verbal vomit that I had just been subjected to...I found myself following behind for a few steps and plotting what I would say to my former coworker in response. As we were both approaching the exit, the moment arrived. In a clear, unemotional voice, I snapped back at her...'well, you may be right about my appearance but, at least when I put makeup on...I know how to do it. Would you like me to help you with yours?' I left her standing there with a slightly stunned expression on her face as I continued to walk out of the store. I will never understand how or why someone would think that it is okay to insult, belittle or try to embarrass another human being all in the name of "constructive criticism." When the shoe is on the other foot, however; and the "critic" becomes the target of the negative remarks, they are often astonished or incensed. I will say that it was not one of my proudest moments and I hate that she reduced me to her level of ignorance, but it did feel good to give back as good as I got for once.

Maybe the moral of this story ended up being...never mess with a woman wearing a sweatshirt, jeans and no makeup! I would have much preferred...treat others the way you want to be treated...with kindness and respect. Okay...I'm done venting now.  😤


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