Monday, January 20, 2020


I've been spending the last few days sorting through some of my clutter. I'm not proud of it, but I've discovered what a hoarder I've become through this process...not television show, news report worthy nor is there a need to wear a hazmat suit to walk through my house... but still, a hoarder just the same.😳 😔

My catharsis began by ridding myself of paper...lots of it. Old magazines with articles that I will never read or ideas I will never try. Stacks of junk mail, statements for accounts I no longer own, recipes that I will never get the point. I have paper coming out of every orifice of my home, and it's been driving me crazy for quite awhile.

I decided to grab the bull by the horns, so to speak and try the Marie Kondo philosophy of getting rid of those things that no longer give me joy. So far, I have filled three tall kitchen bags with the shredded remains of the joyless paper stacks and there is enough shredding left to fill another 3-4. The problem is...instead of holding on to all the paper, I now copy and save links to the articles & websites that interest me. The snowball effect of that is...I forget I have the link and so now instead of physical clutter...I have a lot of 'cyber clutter.' 😩 On the bright side... now at least it is only visible to me...on my phone, iPad and laptop. It's like shoving everything into a room and shutting the door when company is on it's way over. I've never done that, mind you, but I've heard some people do.😉If she gave it any thought at all... I wonder if this is what Marie Kondo had in mind...somehow, I don't so.🤔

I will probably never become a minimalist, but I must admit throwing stuff out, giving it away or shredding it into a million pieces can be very therapeutic. I've been putting together a game plan on how to approach the rest of my stuff...books, clothes, craft materials, and other miscellaneous dust collectors. My problem is...I like my stuff! I don't know if any of it 'gives me joy' exactly...but it does give me comfort.

Organizing my home is long overdue. It is one of my resolutions for this year. Sadly, it is a resolution I make every year... along with go on a diet and exercise! This time I mean it. It may take me the rest of the year, however, but I'm bound and determined to get it done!!😣 As for going on a diet and exercise... baby steps.😏

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